Team Toughness Drill Book
Toughness is not about looking tough; it is about being tough. Tough teams take charges, dive on loose balls, box out on defense, get around box outs on offense, get through screens on defense, set physical screens on offense, sprint the floor every change of possession, help the helper on defense, are engaged and in a stance on defense, stay poised when pressured on offense, take and give criticism the right way and come together during adversity.
Tough teams also have competitive practices where players challenge each other, have hard working players that crave improvement, have leaders that keep everyone on the same page and have players that put aside individual agendas to focus on the team’s mission.
Lastly, tough teams focus on the controllable. Players on a tough team do not complain about playing time, shot attempts or lack of credit, because the only things they can control are their effort and energy. They are willing to do whatever their coach asks of them, they give their teammates everything they have when they are on the floor, and they support their teammates with the same energy when they are on the bench.
Toughness is contagious; as is softness. If you want to coach a tough team, you have to demand toughness everyday! Everyone in the program must buy in and hold each other accountable. In my opinion, there is only one thing worse than watching a soft team, and that is coaching a soft team.
Our Team Toughness Drill Book consists of 49 toughness drills you can count on to ensure yours will be the tougher team in every game you play. This coil-bound book is easy to bring with you to any practice or workout!